The R package coca contains the functions needed to use COCA (Cluster-Of-Clusters Analysis), an integrative clustering method that was first introduced in a breast cancer study by The Cancer Genome Atlas in 2012 and quickly became a popular tool in cancer studies (see e.g. Hoadley et al. 2014 and Aure et al. 2017). It is based on Consensus Clustering (Monti et al., 2013), an algorithm that was initially developed to assess the stability of clusters obtained with any clustering algorithm.
The main goal of COCA is to summarise clusterings found in different ’omics datasets, by identifying a “global” clustering across the datasets that is intended to be in good agreement with the clustering structures identified in each of the individual datasets. For further details about the algorithm, please see Cabassi and Kirk (2019).
The first step of COCA is the construction of the Matrix-Of-Clusters (MOC). This is a binary matrix of size N x K, where K is the sum of the number of clusters Km in every dataset Xm. Therefore, to each column j of this matrix corresponds a cluster mk in dataset Xm. The (i,j)-th entry of the matrix of clusters is equal to one if data point i belongs to cluster mk in dataset Xm, and is equal to zero otherwise.
The function that can be used to build a matrix of clusters starting
from a list of heterogeneous datasets (referring to the same
observations) is buildMOC
. In the example below, we assume
to have three datasets with the same number of clusters, five. The
clustering structure in each of those datasets is found via k-means
### Load data
data <- list()
data[[1]] <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata",
"dataset1.csv", package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
data[[2]] <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata",
"dataset2.csv", package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
data[[3]] <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata",
"dataset3.csv", package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
### Build matrix of clusters
outputBuildMOC <- coca::buildMOC(data, M = 3, K = 5, distances = "cor")
### Extract matrix of clusters and dataset indicator vector
moc <- outputBuildMOC$moc
datasetIndicator <- outputBuildMOC$datasetIndicator
The package also contains a function that can be used to plot the
resulting Matrix-Of-Clusters, plotMOC
. Here we use as
annotations the true cluster labels, but, in real applications, the
argument can take as input any dataframe with
one element for each row of the matrix of clusters.
Please note that the row names of the dataframe must be the same must
correspond to the observation names in each dataset, otherwise the
annotation cells will be left empty by the plotting function. Moreover,
each column of the dataframe that contains categorical variables must be
defined with as.factor()
if you want each category to have
a different colour (otherwise they will be treated as continuous
variables and each category will have a different shade of the same
### Prepare annotations
true_labels <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "cluster_labels.csv",
package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
annotations <- data.frame(true_labels = as.factor(true_labels))
### Plot matrix of clusters
coca::plotMOC(moc, datasetIndicator, annotations = annotations)
Here the datasets don’t have names, so they have been assigned integer numbers. If available, you can specify cluster names; this will make the row names easier to interpret.
### Prepare annotations
true_labels <- as.matrix(read.csv(system.file("extdata", "cluster_labels.csv",
package = "coca"), row.names = 1))
annotations <- data.frame(true_labels = as.factor(true_labels))
### Set dataset names
datasetNames <- c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 5), rep("C", 5))
### Plot matrix of clusters
coca::plotMOC(moc, datasetIndicator, datasetNames = datasetNames,
annotations = annotations)
As you can see, the first part of each row name corresponds to the dataset, the second one to the cluster index. Moreover, each colour in the main matrix corresponds to one dataset (here dataset A is green, dataset B is yellow, and so on).
The MOC matrix is then used as input to consensus clustering (CC), an
algorithm that was developed by Monti et al. (2003) to assess cluster
stability when analysing a single dataset. The resulting consensus
matrix is then used as the similarity matrix for a hierarchical
clustering method (or any other distance-based clustering algorithm).
These last two steps of the COCA algorithm are contained in the
### COCA
# Use COCA to find global clustering
coca <- coca::coca(moc, K = 5)
# Compare clustering to the true labels
ari <- mclust::adjustedRandIndex(true_labels, coca$clusterLabels)
## [1] 1
### Plot the matrix of clusters with the newly found cluster labels
annotations$coca <- as.factor(coca$clusterLabels)
coca::plotMOC(moc, datasetIndicator, datasetNames = datasetNames,
annotations = annotations)
Here, we have computed the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) to check how similar the two partitions of the data are. The ARI goes from -1 to 1: values close to 1 indicate very high similarity between the two partitions, values close to 0 indicate that the observed amount of similarities between the two partitions is the expected similarity between two random partitions, while negative values indicate that the two partitions are less similar than what would be expected by chance.
Again, if the number of clusters is not know a priori, the user can
delegate the choice of K to the coca()
function. There are
two methods available here: the silhouette, where the distance between
data points i and j is defined as 1 minus the
(i,j)-th kernel entry in the final kernel matrix, and the delta
area under the curve, which is the method suggested by Monti et
al. (2003). Please note that the properties of the latter have not been
assessed yet.
# Use COCA to find global clustering and chooose the number of clusters
coca <- coca::coca(moc, maxK = 10, hclustMethod = "average")
# Compare clustering to the true labels
ari <- mclust::adjustedRandIndex(true_labels, coca$clusterLabels)
## [1] 1
### Plot the matrix of clusters with the newly found cluster labels
annotations$coca <- as.factor(coca$clusterLabels)
coca::plotMOC(moc, datasetIndicator, datasetNames = datasetNames,
annotations = annotations)
Inside buildMOC()
In the first step, where a different clustering is found in each
dataset, inside the buildMOC()
function, the clustering
algorithms available are:
), for which the
function of the stats
R package is
used (see this
link for the documentation);method="hclust"
), for which
the hclust()
function of the stats
R package
is used (see this
link for the documentation);method="pam"
), for which
the pam()
function of the cluster
R package is
used (see this
link for the documentation).If you would like to use a different clustering algorithm for each of
your datasets, you can pass a vector of strings to the
argument. For example, by setting
method = c("kmeans", "hclust", "pam")
the clusters in the
first dataset will be determined using k-means clustering, in the second
one hierarchical clustering, and so on.
Inside coca()
To build the consensus clustering matrix, the default clustering
algorithm is k-means, as implemented in the stats
The default maximum number of iterations is 1000. If you would like to
increase it, you can use the maxIterKM
argument of the
function. Alternatively, one can select to use
hierarchical clustering; this can be achieved by setting
ccClMethod = "hclust"
. The distance used with hierarchical
clustering can be selected via the ccDistHC
argument of the
To find the final clustering based on the consensus matrix,
hierarchical clustering is used. The agglomeration method used in this
step can be chosen via the hclustMethod
of the
function. The available options are the same as in
the hclust()
function of the stats
If you get one or more error messages saying
did not converge in 1000 iterations
when using the
function, it means that you are using the k-means
clustering algorithm and that it did not converge within the maximum
number of iterations (the default is 1000). If you would like to change
the maximum number of iterations or use a different clustering
algorithm, please see the previous section.
Aure, M.R., Vitelli, V., Jernström, S., Kumar, S., Krohn, M., Due, E.U., Haukaas, T.H., Leivonen, S.K., Vollan, H.K.M., Lüders, T. and Rødland, E. (2017). Integrative clustering reveals a novel split in the luminal A subtype of breast cancer with impact on outcome. Breast Cancer Research, 19(1), p.44.
Cabassi, A. and Kirk, P. D. W. (2020). Multiple kernel learning for integrative consensus clustering of ’omic datasets. Bioinformatics, btaa593.
Hoadley, K.A., Yau, C., Wolf, D.M., Cherniack, A.D., Tamborero, D., Ng, S., Leiserson, M.D., Niu, B., McLellan, M.D., Uzunangelov, V. and Zhang, J., 2014. Multiplatform analysis of 12 cancer types reveals molecular classification within and across tissues of origin. Cell, 158(4), pp.929-944.
Monti, S. et al. (2003). Consensus Clustering: A Resampling-Based Method for Class Discovery and Visualization of Gene. Machine Learning, 52(i), 91–118.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (2012). Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature, 487(7407), 61–70.